Friday, November 12, 2010

Its SF man

Today Sir Loon asked me multiple times whether the bottle(s) in my hands was what he thought it was. Wtf man, what did you think it would have been? I'm highly offended. Really I am. Its SF man


  1. Firstly, sorry mate. The simple fact that I don't even remember this, should give you an idea what condition I must have been in when these little conversations occurred. It's SF man, and again, sorry for what it is worth.

  2. Dude!! I totally don't remember writing this post. wtf!

  3. Sir Loon don't take any stock in this. This was drunk rambling. Just wait till I move to Dalli. Every day will be SF man ;)

  4. Ha ha, so it's quite probable that this little conversation might not have even happened in the first place. Either way, we shall never know.

    And 'Dalli', haha, that's a new one for me, and yep, I'll say cheers to that!
